News & Announcement

SpineFix Chiro X Curble Malaysia Official |

We're happy to have @curblemalaysia_official as our collaborating partner🎉

✨Wondering why you tend to get back pain or

 11 Jul 2024
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SpineFix Chiro X Dr Clear Aligners |

We're excited to announce our collaboration with @drclearaligners ! As a way to create awareness regarding spinal health, we are giving

 04 Jul 2024
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🔍 分享脊椎侧弯的知识 🦴 |


 28 Jun 2024
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SpineFix collaboration with MPillow company |

Yesterday we had the opportunity to collaborate with our partner Dr Ho Koon Leong- The founder of Essentials Healthy Living and shared our insights

 13 May 2024
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🔍为什么选择美式脊椎治疗作为大家主要的保健方式?🦴 |


 11 May 2024
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母亲节优惠:让MPillow 制定化枕头成为你今年给你母亲最独特的礼物 |



 02 May 2024
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脊椎整骨不仅关乎肩颈和背部,关节问题同样应该重视 |

🔍 你知道吗?🤔

⭐️ 脊椎矫正不仅可以解决颈椎和背部的问题,还可以治疗及改善手腕、肘部、肩膀、臀部、膝盖和脚踝等关节的不适。身体的每一处关节都与脊柱有着千丝万缕的联系,当脊椎位置跑偏时,这些关节也可能受到影响。

 25 Apr 2024
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Selamat Hari Raya 2024 |

Warm Hari Raya wishes to all our friends and clients! May this auspicious day mark the beginning of a journey filled with wellness, positivity, and

 08 Apr 2024
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😵‍💫Can I self crack my neck?? |

Self-adjustment, or attempting to manipulate your joints without professional guidance, can be potentially harmful.

 18 Jan 2024
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